TMS Infrastructure Domain Specification




1    Overview

The TMS Infrastructure Domain specification defines message wrappers for when implementing this specification over TMS.

The TMS Infrastructure Domain utilises CMETS and these are specified here


Development of wrappers

The HL7 v3 Infrastructure wrappers have a large amount of optionally. For wrappers it is clearly useful to limit optionally and only specify features for which there is a clear requirement. These wrappers are designed to meet these objectives.



This set of wrapper are intended for a conventional HL7 v3 routing infrastructure over TMS, with Sender and Receiver logical addresses allowing the usual HL7 v3 capability for special routing on any of the communication paths which messages need to traverse from Sender to Receiver.


Send Message Payload, Control Act and message contents

Send Message Payload and Control Act have no standalone role and are used as wrappers to be integrated with domain messages. Integration occurs at the schema level and the CDA Documents specified in the TMS implementation section are being issued with full integration of the schemas already in place.



2    Application Roles

2.1    Request/Notification Message Receiver - MCCI_AR010000UK01

The Request / Notification Message Receiver receives HL7 composite message payloads and sends application acknowledgements.

2.2    Request/Notification Message Sender - MCCI_AR020000UK01

The Request / Notification Message Sender sends HL7 composite message payloads and receives application acknowledgements.



3    Trigger Events

3.1    Send Application Acknowledgement - MCCI_TE010000UK01

The sending of an application acknowledgement occurs in response to the receipt of an HL7 version 3 composite message payload.



4    Interactions

4.1    Exception Handling Guidance

4.1.1    Overview

The purpose of this guidance is to describe the approach used to enable consistent exception handling across all domains when implementing over TMS.


Issues / errors can be identified at two levels, messaging and business:

4.1.2    Messaging Issues/Errors

Messaging issues and errors are carried in the Application Acknowledgement wrapper in the AcknowledgementDetail class. A single code system managed externally by BT Syntegra and referenced in the Domain-MIM will define all codes that identify messaging issues and errors. Each code shall be further classified by the AcknowledgementDetail.typeCode which contains a severity indicator indicating the severity of the error.


The MHS codes will be documented in the BT External Interface Specification.  As these codes are generic across MHS implementations (i.e. are not specific to the BT MHS implementation) other MHS implementers shall have the ability to add codes to the MHS error namespace.  To get new codes added to the MHS namespace the implementer should contact BT through the Authority Spine liaison point.

4.1.3    Business Issues/Errors

Business issues and errors are carried in the Trigger Event Control Act and Query Acknowledgement Response wrappers in the DetectedIssueEvent class; with the option of supporting details being carried in the response payload.


Where necessary, detail supporting an issue or error shall be carried in a response payload.

The ActDetectedIssueCode vocabulary page identifies a code system for each business domain. There is a single code system per domain. Where a code system is managed externally, the contents can only be obtained from the code system custodian. If a pertinent code does not exist in the relevant code system, its inclusion can be managed by the code system custodian.


For additional information on error code namespaces, contact BT through the Authority Spine Liaison point.


4.2    Application Acknowledgement - MCCI_IN010000UK13


Interaction Description
An application acknowledgement on receipt of a request or notification. Note: This interaction is invoked, where appropriate, as a receiver responsibility.

Important Note:- This interaction may also be invoked by any TMS node in response to a messaging error detected prior to a business sub-system accepting the HL7 payload. Systems should be capable of accepting this response to any business interaction.  The Interaction diagrams included in this specification define the business layer interactions and will NOT depict Application Acknowledgements generated due to this transport layer error use case.

Application Roles and Trigger Events

Sending Role

Request/Notification Message receiver


Receiving Role

Request/Notification Message sender


Trigger Event

Send Application Acknowledgement


On the Wire Artefacts

Interaction Schema  

Transmission Wrapper

Application Acknowledgement


Control Act Wrapper

Control Act



5    Message Definitions

5.1    Send Message Payload - MCCI_MT010101UK12

Description Artefacts
This message is the outer transport wrapper for all NPfIT domain messages with the exception of specific business response interactions which use an application acknowledgement wrapper. It identifies the sender and recipient of the message and contains the _controlled act_ that is being sent. RMIM Tabular view Schema Templates References mif

5.2    Application Acknowledgement - MCCI_MT020101UK12

Description Artefacts
The application acknowledgement wrapper enables a response indicating either successful receipt of the message or that the message has been received containing issues or errors. RMIM Tabular view Schema Templates References mif

5.3    Trigger Event Control Act _ MCAI_MT040101UK03

Description Artefacts
This control act is designed for use by all domains. It provides audit functionality by carrying the identity of the person and/or system responsible for initiating the message and enables the optional reporting of detected issues/errors. RMIM Tabular view Schema Templates References mif